The following bank details should be quoted: Account Title: Catholic Church Clacton-on-Sea, Sort code: 401322, Account Number: 41020463. Members of the gift-aid scheme should quote their name and gift aid number in the Reference Details. The word 'Montfort' has been...
Urbi et Orbi Blessing 27th March at 5.00 pm.
In order to offer intercession and consolation during this time of exceptional discomfort, the Holy Father will preside over a time of prayer and Eucharistic Adoration in Saint Peter's Square, without a congregation of the lay faithful, on Friday 27th March 2020 at...
Closure of Churches in Brentwood Diocese
On the instructions of Bishop Alan, and in compliance with Government Guidelines, Our Lady of Light & Spouse of the Holy Spirit Church is now closed until further notice. The Church will not be open at the weekend.
Offertory Standing Order Details
I understand that there has been a problem setting up standing orders for the Offertory due to the incomplete account title. The full title of the parish bank account is: Catholic Church Clacton-on-Sea Montfort. Thank you for your support. Fr Patrick
Corona Virus Update
In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Bishops'Conference, all public acts of workship will cease in the church from Friday, 20th March, 2020, until further notice. Full details are provided in the Newsletter 22nd March 2020.